Quick Updates

Quick Updates

I’m headed out into the garden, but wanted to post a few pictures to show life updates for future us.

Monkey and Yessa both completed their latest online math classes! Yeah for good work all around.

Some other fun things from lately:

He insists on helping with piano practice.

Yessa snapped this optical illusion shot of MoonStar laying in the chair as if she were standing up.

She’s laying in the chair.

The latest indicator that Mocha may never leave us for another family. When Buddie likes a dog enough to share his breakfast sandwich meat with her, that’s a good sign.

She might be staying.

And a friend recently sent this picture:

A long time ago.

This was taken in 2012 on one of our group weekends at Massadoah. Becky, the friend who sent it commented, “Two little rays of sunshine who are properly masked, but doing a very poor job of social distancing!” This was Yessa and Chloe, both 6 years old.

Such happy times we had there.

Out I go into the sunshine.

Enjoy your day!