How To Help

How To Help

We’ve heard from so many family and friends around the country and world, checking in to be sure we are okay after the tornado tore through Nashville. We’re far enough from downtown that we only had rain here, though it did make for a nerve-racking night for those of us that were awake.

Folks we know and love are all safe, though friends are still without power, and the areas they live in are like a war zone. Buddie has a co-worker who is living in a hotel for now, with his apartment building on the demolition list, but he did find his cat that had been lost, so there’s gratitude for that.

If you have any interest in helping, the organizations where we are focusing our support are these two:

Gideon’s Army

The Community Resource Center

These are two organizations that were here doing the community work before the tornado, and they’ll be here after all the wreckage is cleaned up.

In addition, Putnam County had the most deaths and also severe devastation, so another place that needs help. This article talks about ways to offer them support.

Hundreds of people are showing up each day to help with clean up. There are benefits planned and stories are rolling out of courage and terror and human spirit. This is a place that has seen tragedy in the form of tornadoes and floods, and it knows how to rebuild.

For a slight bit of levity, the picture below shows the 2020 tornado path in green, the 1998 tornado in red, and the 1993 tornado path in purple. Buds and I read a post where someone circled the area where the paths crossed and said:

God hates this intersection.

Be kind to each other, laugh when you can, and wash your hands.