We Say "Ta Ta" For Now...

We Say "Ta Ta" For Now...

Caitlin, Bo, and Sunny moved to Texas a couple weeks ago, and the house still feels less full of life and laughter than it did.

Plus, we have to clean up food off the floor now.

Though it will be a wonderful thing for them, this next step in life, we were so sorry to see them go.

Lots of great times sharing meals, games, workouts, and laughter have happened over the last year they’ve lived with us, and before that as our friendship developed.

Sunny was, in Caitlin’s words, “a true scaredy cat.” We tried to tempt him to come upstairs, but in general he only came up when Caitlin was here, too.

He’s such a fluffy handsome fellow.

But in the hubbub of moving and all that noise, he was willing to find refuge in our back bedrooms.

With Bo, we had lots of time to take plenty of glamor shots, most taken by Yessa.

And so many fun times together with the humans, too:

Best wishes, Beloveds, and please come visit soon and often.