Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

Six months ago Monkey pre-ordered a game that she’s been patiently waiting for. This organized, focused kiddo came to me last week and said, “Any boxes that come on the 24th, 25th, or 26th, I’d like to be the one to open.”

She’s waited so long for this, she wanted the full impact of the experience from box opening to play time.

The box arrived yesterday and she was giddy with excitement.

(Extra points for spotting all three of our kiddos in this picture.)

She had planned her day such that her work was all done by the time the box arrived. And in perfect timing, Wednesdays are a quiet day for her, so she was able to stay up as late as she wanted playing last night.

And in that way she always has of surprising me with her thoughtfulness and vision for herself, as she was settling in to play for the first time she said, “Should I play it through in English or German first?”

This game has been translated into German for the first time, so she’ll be practicing all the things when she plays in that mode.

Gosh, I love this kiddo.