Unexpected Bonus

As Monkey has rested on the couch, we’ve had the chance to watch an assortment of Disney movies and documentaries.

Of particular amusement was “A Proper English Christmas.”

The description read, “We invite you to come home for a Proper English Christmas and learn all about what it takes to make this holiday so special in times past. No one celebrate Christmas like the English, they say.”

We both enjoy learning about history, and seeing the re-enactors make boiled pudding, create 10,000 handmade bricks, dye ribbon using plants and stale urine, and shoeing a horse was all fascinating, but the highest humor came from the automated closed captioning.

Two of our favorites were:

1) “Takes me back,” being translated to, “Sexy wax.”

And the best one of all.

When the owner of the estate was checking the hay the participants grew for the horses over the winter, he gave it a big sniff, proclaimed it sweet smelling, and that the animals would “relish it this winter.”

In a rather perfect pun, the closed captioning declared the animals would, “really shit this winter.”

I suppose that’s also true.