Superpower? Where? Where Did It Go?!

Superpower? Where? Where Did It Go?!

Not everyone knows, but Buds has a superpower.

He has a truly interstellar ability to lose things.

And I’m saying this with respect and awe. It’s a hilarious, superhuman, stunning ability.

Just tonight, we were walking back from the mailbox and I had handed him one piece of mail. By the time we got to the end of the driveway he said, “Where did that go?!”

Then we dissolved into laughter.

The number of times he’s gotten to the grocery store with the list missing are so numerous that we don’t do lists on paper anymore. He doesn’t tend to do lists at all.

Back when the technology came out for the little tiles that you could attach to items to keep you from losing them; we were early adopters. I bought him two of them. One for his wallet, one for his keys.

His wallet was lost within the week. (Not making that up.)

He has had more drivers licenses over the years than anyone else I know.

When I ask him to hand me his passport, along with the children’s, as soon as we get through security at the airport, he knows it isn’t meant with any disrespect. It’s actually proving my respect for his powers.

Some of our nearest and dearest might have doubted his powers until this summer when we were gathered with our chosen family at Kel and Paula’s in Virginia. Buds, Eddie, and Fi were playing Fi’s beloved game: Tiny Epic Galaxies. They played it, packed it up, Buddie touched it, and it was gone. We all thought it would turn up in someone’s luggage when we got home. Or that Paula or Kel would find it after we’d all cleared out with our piles of stuff.

Six+ months later, it’s still not been found. Fi finally bought another copy, and it was with a bit of shock that I saw her let him touch the new one when they played again. (She’s such a kind soul.)

I’m grateful he has this quirk. He knows how much I need to be needed.

A different game Fi let him touch.

P.S. Buds read this post before I published it, just to be sure he was okay with it. In the midst of his laughter, his only comment was, “I’m not sure about the drivers licenses. You might just not know the right people.”

So, dear friends, how many of you have had to get replacement DL’s over the years due to losing one? Buds has done it at least 3 times over the years.

I’ve never had to do it.

Anyone else?