

Nearly done with this year’s CrossFit Open.

WOD 20.4 had some clear differences between RX’D and Scaled.

Buddie did:

For time:
30 box jumps, 24 in.
15 clean and jerks, 95 lb.
30 box jumps, 24 in.
15 clean and jerks, 135 lb.
30 box jumps, 24 in.
10 clean and jerks, 185 lb.
30 single-leg squats
10 clean and jerks, 225 lb.
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 275 lb.
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 315 lb.

Time cap: 20 minutes

Ginnie did:

For time:
30 box jumps, 20 in.
15 clean and jerks, 35 lb.
30 box jumps, 20 in.
15 clean and jerks, 55 lb.
30 box jumps, 20 in.
10 clean and jerks, 75 lb.
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 14 lb.
10 clean and jerks, 95 lb.
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 14 lb.
5 clean and jerks, 115 lb.
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 14 lb.
5 clean and jerks, 135 lb.

Time cap: 20 minutes

Buds got to 165 reps, getting 5 of the 225# clean and jerks. He did a fantastic job and earned every single one of those reps.

One of our coaches sent me this video after the WOD:

His face at the end makes me smile. Those jerks aren’t pretty, but they were earned.

I get so excited when I’m cheering for him. I love it.

A few other shots:

You got this, MAN!

Praying to the Great God Rogue.

And here’s the happy Ginnie, WOD all complete, ready to sit and cheer.

Given the choice, I will go first because it is way more fun to get done than to torture myself watching other people.

My final count was 160 reps. I attempted the 95# cleans, but couldn’t ever hit one.

Next time.

A happy little bird, getting to watch and cheer.

Finally, here’s the happy couple, both all done, watching and cheering for a fellow athlete.

I’d hold up a wall with this guy any day.

20.5 and done coming up.