

When Yessa and I got home from Iowa on Saturday evening, Buds and Buster were excited for us to watch the newest Spiderman movie which they had rented.

We settled in and Buster kept watching me in a funny way as the movie began.

It all became clear when Mysterio’s identity was revealed.

It was Jake Gyllenhaal.

The kids think it is so funny that I knew Jake Gyllenhaal when he was an 11 y.o. little guy.

He was a camper at the summer camp where I worked as a counselor for one summer. He went for his screen test for “City Slickers,” his first movie, that summer.

Here he is waiting to slide down the water slide at camp:

He’s in the blue shorts, in the middle, with campers of mine right behind him.

He wasn’t in our “brother” cabin, so, unfortunately, he wasn’t in our cabin’s camp play.

If he had been in our brother cabin, I would be able to tell you that I directed Jake Gyllenhaal in “Tom Sawyer.” That would be cool.

Each brother and sister cabin worked together to put on a play each summer. I was the director of ours.


As it is, I only remember him as a bit of a smart aleck. Not unusual at that age.

Buster and I got the giggles as I begged him to tell me if Mysterio (Jake’s character) was a bad guy and if he’d be in anymore Marvel movies.

Fun movie, fun times, fun memories.