20.2 Is A Wrap!

20.2 Is A Wrap!

For WOD 20.2 I had to:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 dumbbell thrusters
6 hanging knee-raises
24 single-unders

20-lb. dumbbells

Buds had to:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 dumbbell thrusters
6 toes-to-bars
24 double-unders

50-lb. dumbbells

Here’s a video of what the movements all looked like for Buds:

My workout was the same general movements, but scaled. I had lighter weights, lifted my knees above parallel while hanging from the bar, and the rope passed under my feet once instead of twice.

This was a long, long, long workout. Folks that came out hot knew pretty quickly that they had made a tactical error.

Buds is methodical in planning, so he was measured in his beginning.

I don’t come out hot.

I don’t have a “hot.”

As is his way, Buds was disappointed that he didn’t get one more round than he did. He may do it again on Monday.

As is my way, I happily survived.

I got into the round of 18 and finished with 588 reps.

Buds got into the round of 14 and got 432 reps. Remember, his workout was much more taxing than mine. And he again outperformed men half his age.

We completed our workouts at the same time, so no pictures of us performing, but here’s me with “focus-face” on while I judge another athlete.

I take other people’s CrossFit very seriously.