Aches and Pains and Troubles. Oh my.

There are five of us that regularly CrossFit together at 5:30 a.m. All four of my peeps are working their way through some injury or not-your-typical-soreness pain. And yet they show up, get their workouts how ever they can, and always have a fantastic attitude.

Yesterday when Yessa and I were at Aldi’s, we visited with a woman who had her arm in a splint and was healing from two black eyes. As we helped her unload her cart onto the conveyor belt she shared that she had been walking her dog and the neighbor’s dog when they crossed in front of her path and she fell. She’s got a broken bone in her arm and her bruised chin and black eyes are healing nicely.

But that wasn’t all. Her daughter has Stage 4 breast cancer, so she was doing the shopping for her, and since her husband can no longer walk she said she’s taken to referring to herself as “super uber.”

She checked out and went on her way.

After Yessa and I had paid and were walking to the car, we agreed that Yessa would go get our groceries unloaded and I would go help this woman pack up her items.

When I got over to her car, there was the husband and the dog waiting in the car with a smile. So not only was she was splitting the groceries up for taking home or taking to her daughter, she had her immobile husband in the car…and the dog. I was only able to return her cart for her, so at least one less trip, but my heart was just aching for all of them.

They have been much in my thoughts. She was so positive and friendly, and so grateful for the tiny little help that Yessa and I gave her. She’s carrying so many loads, yet keeps moving forward. She said if she stopped, she might not get back up.

Every day is a choice.

Whatever your day holds, and whatever aches you are carrying, I’m sending you love.