

Buds and I both completed the first workout for this year’s CrossFit open.

The WOD was:

RX’d, which Buds did:

  • 10 Rounds for Time
  • 8 Ground-to-Overheads (95 lb)
  • 10 Bar Facing Burpees
  • Time Cap: 15 minutes

It was the same structure for me, with two critical differences. I was only moving 45# on the ground-to-overheads, and Buds had to jump over the barbell. I was allowed to step over.

We went in separate heats, and I went in the first heat which meant Buds was able to cheer for me. I was so grateful for that because his supportive pushing was a tremendous boost.

I had to judge another athlete during Buddie’s heat, so I could only cheer for him in my mind. For future WODs, I won’t let that happen. We are truly each other’s best support.

Buds did his typical fantastic job. With his shoulder injury, I had asked him to consider going light, but his internal drive and competitive spirit wouldn’t seriously entertain that idea. He worked hard at shoulder mobility before he began and came away with a score of 143, which is one shy of finishing the eighth round.

He began to feel fussy about that because he had four no reps and ended with a score two less than two other men at our box. I’m afraid I had little sympathy since he came through with his shoulder additionally unscathed, plus both the men are nearly half his age, and he scored higher than several other athletes.

I’d say he’s amazing.

I scored 130 and considering it felt like the longest 15 minutes of my life, I was pleased as heck.

One of our friends brought his wife to cheer for the first time and her kind words of admiration were a sweet balm. I know exactly my strengths as an athlete, but to someone who isn’t used to moving weights nor used to pushing through a punishing WOD, it does look pretty fantastic.

Bear in mind though, it’s not pretty. 😆

Here’s my favorite picture Buds caught of me that day:

I had picked my favorite spot on the wall where I would stare and catch my breath until moving into the next movement.

Several folks got photos and videos for Buds since I couldn’t.

Here he’s talking strategy with Coach Chris before he begins.

And here’s he’s doing a postmortem with a buddy.

Here’s his full first workout:


It was a great beginning to the Open.

Edit added on 10/14/19

Buds redid the WOD at the box this morning and increased his score. With only one no-rep this time, he ended up at 9 rounds + 4, so a 5 rep increase!

Yeah, Buds!