Our Whole Lives

Our Whole Lives

One of the things that has made the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) “famous” is its commitment to healthy sexuality education. The Our Whole Lives curriculum was co-written by folks from the UUA and United Church of Christ (UCC) back in the 1970’s. It’s been updated many times and is truly a blessing in a country where schools are not required to teach honest, unbiased, scientifically based, biologically accurate information.

At GNUUC, we’ve had it for young high schoolers every couple years, but a couple folks agreed to get trained to facilitate for the younger crowd, so Yessa will be taking part in it with her cohort of 5th-7th graders.

We had the parents’ meeting last Sunday, and it made me grateful all over again that Buds and I found Unitarian Universalism when the children were young. Such a loving, supportive group of people. People I trust to help all our children learn about sexuality, healthy relationships, and lovingkindness.

Our crew has always had access to a plethora of books about biology and human sexuality. I’ve always tried to talk to them openly and honestly about the human body and sex. But, in general, having other adults you trust to discuss some things with is a fantastic thing.

As much as I love to have open, honest discussion, not everyone wants to talk about sex with their mom.

And that’s okay.

But I’m always here if that changes.

This is the book they’ll be using, and we’ve got a copy to read through here at home.

I’m excited for Yessa’s chance to learn and connect with her peers.