

Last weekend the Scottish Highland Festival was held in the gorgeous local parks down the road from us.

An inept sheepdog allowed one of the ewes from a herding demonstration to escape.

This sheep has been wandering over hundreds of acres of the park since Saturday and we local folks are transfixed.

My crew saw her running across the open field of the park as they were driving to church on Sunday.

Caitlin and I saw the owner and his truck and trailer parked on the side of the road at the park as we drove home from church. He lives over an hour away, so it’s difficult for him to come and go.

And in the best use of Facebook in the history of the world, there’s now a FB page where people can share sightings and updates on if she’s been caught. Over 100 of us so far have signed up for the page to stay updated on her travels and travails.

She’s got to be so scared and I hope she’s found soon, but I love everything about this story; the scattered dog, the sheep on a quest for freedom, the sheep who now wishes she didn’t have freedom, and all the humans who are on the hunt to try to find her. And all the puns…so many puns.

“Oh baby, ewe. Ewe got what I need.”

I’ll post an update when she’s no longer on the lamb.