Pondering The Past

Pondering The Past

As Imani once observed, “You are always remodeling something…”

She’s not wrong.

Right now we are in the midst of beautifying spaces that haven’t been updated since we moved in six years ago.

Before and after pictures will be here once we’re through with this project, but the point of this post is what I discovered in the process of cleaning out file cabinets so they can be moved out.

Waffles wanted to help with the packing up:

I still have the receipt from our wedding bands that we purchased at The Museum Company:

They are copies of antique posey rings which say, “You and no other.” in French.

We no longer wear them, but I still love them.

I also still have the bills for Monkey and me from when she was born.

I had a c-section due to her footling breachness, but these bills feel really reasonable. We did only stay two nights, which helps.

My Master’s thesis is tucked in there:

This type of writing used to come easily:

And Buddy’s offer letter from PNC, which was his second post-grad school job, where he got into credit cards, and had Bryan as his boss.

(We stayed with Bryan and Laura this summer.)

I don’t hang on to many things, but I loved finding these hidden treasures.