The Great West Coast Tour - Day Nine - Snow Canyon, Axes, and Games

The Great West Coast Tour - Day Nine - Snow Canyon, Axes, and Games

Note: Videos embedded. Watch at the website for best view.

Buds and I headed to CrossFit Zion to start our day, then drove out to Snow Canyon to see a sunrise. Snow Canyon wasn’t the best place for the sunrise, but it was cool to watch the sun move across the mountains.

Based on the pictures, we mostly went out there to take selfies.

Buds did take a time lapse of the sunrise. I’ve uploaded it for when you want to fall asleep at night.

After our fun morning outing, we headed back to the house for family photos. Buddie’s dad wasn’t feeling well, but we managed to get everyone else looking the same direction.


Then the folks that wanted to headed out to Snow Canyon to explore the petrified sand dunes and Jenny’s Canyon.

And we realized the natural steps made a perfect stage for another family photo, though with fewer of the family.

That afternoon Buds, Monkey, Aunt R, and I tried something none of us had done before: Axe Throwing!

We were fans.

Not only did we learn to throw axes a variety of ways, we threw knives, and metal “playing cards” that were sharpened to a knife edge.

All of this was more wonderful and enjoyable than I ever expected.

Axe throwing videos:

And it wouldn’t be Gem-Fest if I didn’t get a picture of these two doing a little work:

And if at least one wrestling match wasn’t recorded:

That evening, a gaggle of Gems gathered to watch, laugh, and cheer as the dads engaged in a little game play. I was so proud and thankful for the kind spirit the older cousins showed to the little ones to help ensure everyone felt included and valued as they gamed throughout the week.

When I popped into the older girl cousins’ room to wish them good night, it made my heart sing to see a group of the eldest cousins gathered, chatting and laughing at a show together.

One more day draws to a close.