The Great West Coast Tour - Day Four - Palisades, CO

The Great West Coast Tour - Day Four - Palisades, CO

Editor’s Note: Contains video. View on website.

After leaving the casino hotel, we had a relaxed, delightful morning. The drive was stunning.

Buds found us a delicious place for brunch in Vail, CO. The weather was sunny and crisp. An art festival was going on, and though we were looking forward to getting to Carla and Kurt’s, we savored this chance to wander around.

He’ll take his shoes off whenever he can.

The girls and I had a lovely visit with the artist who created these works of art. She gets her gems and stones from around the world. She talked with us about her creative process and encouraged us to take pictures.

Thanks to my need for frequent rest stops, Buds and I had a little hike next to a decrepit bridge.

I was a little disconcerted to see a lone croc next to the water. I wondered what other family was out there in the world, leaving singleton crocs, just like us.

The drive was gorgeous, yet offered some interesting challenges.

Colorado was generous with its hail with us.

As we drove down the far side of the Rockies, the landscape changed yet again. Carla told me we would be getting close when things changed to the mesa, and my understanding of “mesa” took on new meaning.

We pulled up to Kurt and Carla’s door in the late afternoon and settled in for a good visit.

BLT’s, a drive around town to see where they each work, chatting, relaxing, getting to know their son, Zane, and them learning about our crew. Buds and Monkey had some driving practice, we headed out for a hike at a beautiful park near their home, and dinner at a hip pizza place.

And what are good are old friends if they don’t pull out their wedding album to show your children.

It was a joy to talk and laugh and remind each other of forgotten memories. Dropping back into conversation with people you respect and like after 25 years, that’s pretty fantastic.

We loved this gorgeous place they have turned into their home. So different from the midwestern childhoods Kurt, Carla, and I had.

I hope it won’t be 25 more before we create more memories.

I never consider myself short.

Christmas picture option:

From here we head to Gem-Fest. More adventures to come.