The Style of South Beach Has Arrived To Bellevue

The Style of South Beach Has Arrived To Bellevue

After our glorious bathroom remodel, walking from the bathroom into our bedroom was jarring.

Though we have hardwood floors, they were in the roughest shape off all the floors in the house. Wide gaps and deep scratches from moving furniture felt rough under foot.

The tan walls were dark and dirty looking.

That’s without even mentioning the two litter boxes, the random pictures on the walls, and the stuffed bedside stands.

Out it all went and we kicked it into gear.

The yellow color is the same as our bathroom and is called “Sunflower Seed.” Since group consensus is that sunflower seeds are mostly black, the name brings a befuddled look.

After we covered the walls with the befuddlement, it was time to move on to the floors.

Remember the basement flood? The stripped off laminate that had been in the basement was piled awaiting a second usage.

Down it went. This is the fourth or fifth laminate floor we’ve installed so we are getting pretty good at piecing the puzzle.

Loving thanks to Teresa who taught me painting the windows and scraping afterward is much more fun and efficient then taping them before.

Baseboards were next. We’ve been going with a nice simple white 1 by 6 in the bathrooms and that carried out in the bedroom.

Which brought us to our near-conclusion. Bright and sunny just as spring arrives. What will go on walls is still a mystery.

For now we’re enjoying the early morning sun streaming in the windows.

Bonus, it’s a cat trap too.