Happy Birthday, Dear Niece.

The niece here in Nash that is closest in age to Yessa had her birthday a couple weeks ago, and we got to take the cake.
She’s one of my favorite humans. She’s funny and kind and smart and brave. She loves the beach and she’s on a swim team, so we ended up incorporating that into the cake.
Yessa and I tested out several other ideas when we were frozen up in Iowa.
This cake is so beautiful, we attempted it.
Freaking internet makes everything look so easy.
Crumb coated and ready for glaze:
Galaxy cake goal:
Galaxy cake reality:
How the heck do they get the glaze to stick to the cake?!
So, that idea was out.
We decided to get creative and honor the birthday girl’s love of the water.
Extensive searching on Pinterest for swimming cakes ensued.
Let me tell you, there are some gorgeous swimming cakes.
We decided a mashup of swim cakes was a good plan. The points we didn’t achieve for perfection, we’d achieve for size.
Baking commenced.
Supplies ready:
That’s the birthday girl winning the race in the picture above.
The cake was the birthday girl swimming from an Olympic pool across open water to the beach.
We had many laughs over the funny, amateur, made-with-love cake.
And the loving birthday girl said she loved it. I would have expected nothing else from that kind soul.