A Drippy Blessing

Tuesday and Thursdays are when the 4/5ths of us who have drunk the CrossFit kool-aid attend an evening class. This last Tuesday, fate in the form of water pipes, intervened.

I discovered a leak in our garage coming from the main water line coming into the house. An appointment was fixed for Thursday, since I didn’t want to pay an emergency fee, and the drip was small.

I took a trip to Home Depot for water proof tape. Our recent success with the dryer and my family’s plumbing history had me pondering fixing the plumbing myself. The tape was to buy me some time to decide if I was ready for a self-taught plumbing apprenticeship.

By the time I returned with the tape and wrapped it around the pipes where I thought the drips were coming from, the drip had become a stream. (I’m choosing to believe my taping was not causal.)

The kids helped me move the garage around so the plumber could more easily access the water line. Then I found a local referral for a plumber and turned off the water to the house. My dreams of self-plumbing died a quick death this time around.

Waterproof Tape

Kind Weylin said he would be available to help with our plumbing problems and he even showed up a little ahead of schedule.

He and I spent a very pleasant 45 minutes visiting while he diagnosed the problem and fixed it. It’s seemingly trivial when you have experience and the necessary tools.

Weylin is also a Mid-Westerner (Ohio) who grew up with seven siblings and a dad that taught them many skills, while ruling his castle. Weylin and I had several shared life experiences to discuss.

Weylin headed off for his dinner out with his Lady Friend once our toilets were again flushing. (I think we paid for dinner, drinks, and dessert. Gladly.)

Since we’d missed our CrossFit class, we headed out for a family walk on the beautiful Spring-like evening. Yessa and I marched ahead, laughing and sharing stories while The Bigs and Buds hiked along behind us, talking of plans and dreams.

The time together made me grateful for the leaky pipe.