Valentine Memories

Valentine Memories

The girls and I were still in Iowa on Valentine’s Day and the day after.

Seeing this cart of February 15 bargains reminded me of a wedding memory.

I detest mint; in all forms. I’ve passed this trait on to our eldest. (You’re welcome, Monkey.)

Buds and I spent much more time and thought on preparations for our wedding ceremony than on our reception, but I did know I did not want wedding mints. No mints.

I do, however, love M&Ms.

The day after Valentine’s Day in 1995, my dad purchased all the half-price Valentine M&Ms he could find. We had pounds and pounds of them in the freezer for the months leading up to our July 1 wedding.

Bowls of M&Ms graced our reception table with the cake and it was glorious. Our wedding color was green and the M&Ms were pink, red, and white, and it mattered not at all in the dim light of the Newton Inn Conference Room/Dance Hall.

How well my dad knew me.

No M&Ms in this picture, but I love the focused look on Buddie’s face. You can see one of the hundreds of paper cranes we folded as favors for guests in the bottom left.

This picture shows Cheese and Barry, our wonderful friends who agreed to be cake servers.

Bless them. 💕