Home In The South

After a long day of driving (a short drive for us, actually), we pulled into our driveway with 40° weather awaiting us.
It was 1° when we left Iowa this morning.
It’s so good to be home, and how we hated to leave Mom.
She’s doing great, and we left her with a freezer of meals, a pile of new library books, a clean house, rides to therapy with her friends, and that same open-hearted spirit and deep faith that always carries her through.
How happy I am to be a family of five again.
And my thoughtful brother-in-law sent me this message yesterday, which made my heart happy:
“If you’re wondering, your husband is super thrilled to have you back tomorrow. Positively a-glow with the prospect of your return.”
Grateful to have had the time with Mom and for her to be healing so well, and so overwhelmed with joy at being back home.
Hallmark Channel with obligatory butler in the background.