Trauma Free

Last weekend at church had a lot going on.

Our dear minister shared the reasons behind her resignation in her sermon.

Buds and I both had conversations with friends who are going through really hard times: mental health issues, poverty, homelessness, sobriety… big, tough issues.

As we snuggled into bed that night, each sharing our perspectives on the day, I looked at him and said, “What’s it like to be the most trauma-free person we know?”

He got that look on his face and said, “It’s good. I like it.”

And then we both giggled wildly in each other’s arms.

I’m so grateful for the grounding he gives me so that I can reach out to those we care about with support as we are able.

Everyone is carrying a load. I’m grateful to help carry it when I can. And I’m learning more and more about other people who are quietly helping to carry the load, too. So many giving support and love where we can.

That’s what our church is for.