Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018

Yessa and I were both sick the Saturday before Christmas. We hadn’t gotten our Christmas tree yet because our downstairs renter was allergic, and we wanted her to enjoy her final days with us without being sneezy. Then sickness came after she left.

We considered not getting a tree, but Monkey explained that this was one of the traditions that means a lot to her, so on Christmas Eve day we drove over to our favorite Christmas Tree place at the golf course to see if they were still open.

There was no one there when we arrived, but then, as we pondered our options, a truck pulled up and all was saved.

First time the Orange Mobile has carried our tree.
Picking out the perfect pine.
Nose to Nose

Then we went to see if we could find Christmas shoes for the girls. Monkey had the great idea that we all get fun themed dresses this year. Yessa had shoes that would work, but Monkey’s aqua crocs weren’t a good match for her Christmas dress.

I sat on a bench while they tried on all the shoes.

We found shoes for Monkey. Not these…

A surprise lunch out at Jimmy John’s and Chicken Salad Chick, then groceries and home to get ready for the Christmas Eve church service.

Monkey was one of three readers sharing “The Gift Of The Magi.”
Buds rang the bells.
We love the candlelighting.

In an unexpected delight, and what I hope might become a tradition, friends came over after church for an impromptu visit.

This picture represents how much I love that our friends feel comfortable in our house, making themselves at home in all ways.
It was so good to get some extra visiting in.

After friends headed out for the night, we decorated in preparation for Christmas morning.

Everyone tumbled into bed at various times. The next morning was relaxed. We had plans to go hang with cousins for awhile for brunch, but Buds and I were both still enough under the weather that we decided not to share our germs. Yessa did go have great fun, so there was some extended family time on Christmas Day.

We opened presents in a leisurely fashion. There weren’t many actual gifts, so it didn’t take long.

Everyone loves the tree.

We sat down together for a Christmas dinner of some family favorites, and then enjoyed the rest of the night playing games together and near each other.

Exactly our kind of Christmas.

Caitlin got us off to a great start with this watercolor she created for us.
Merry Christmas.