Kids' Bathroom Day 6

After a delicious four days of having the option to sleep in, we greeted Weston with smiles and coffee at 6:30 this morning.
He hopped right to work, with today’s focus on the cat drawer vision.
One of the many, many traits we appreciate about Weston is his “Yes, and…” attitude. He is always willing to offer his professional opinion or make suggestions, but if we have an idea, he’s going to work with us to make it happen in a lovely, well-built manner.
For cat owners, the cat litter box and the extra clean litter are always an issue. We’ve had at least one cat continuously for the last 24 years, and we still have not found an ideal solution for this issue.
The best option we ever had was the ingenious vision my dad built in the little white house. The cats stepped through a small door cut into the indoor stairwell, then strolled down a carpeted ramp into the cellar to find their litter box waiting.
I attempted to find a picture of the ramp. This lead me down the rabbit hole of remembering how much work went into the little white house. Post about that eventually.

Extraneous picture of Monkey:
Over Monkey’s right shoulder in the back corner shows the cat door opening.
To clean the cat litter you’d have to come out that screen door on the deck, open up the red cellar doors and go down through the slider door at the bottom of the stairs.
I don’t remember ever going down into the cellar to clean the cat litter, but I’m sure Buds did it all the time.
Thanks for your indulgence. Now back to today’s progress.
Thanks to Yessa’s research, we think we’ve found a great option for this timeless problem.
Yessa read this blog post: Cat drawer and brought it to our attention.
With Teresa’s help in planning out the spacing, we presented the idea to Weston and he is making vision become reality.
The picture above was taken looking toward the hallway with me standing where the tub will be.
Weston and I wondered if the wooden boxed in area would feel tight as you walk in the door, but it seems quite small when seen in the picture above on the right side.
My relief at having a hidden home for the cat litter dwarfs any feeling of tightness it might have caused.
This is the box viewed from the hallway. There will be a drawer for the cat litter box and cat litter on the bottom, then an open shelf above that to hold cat food.
Let all the dogs come and visit!
This above picture shows how clever we think we are. Weston is configuring a plug in for inside the drawer where we can have a night light and plug-in air purifier.
All these plans will be for naught if Yessa’s cat MoonStar decides she doesn’t care for this set up and decides to make somewhere else her restroom facilities, but for now I’m enjoying the sweet anticipation of solving this decades-old issue.