What The Heck?!

What The Heck?!

Today was rock climbing day and it was awesome. We took Friend Sarah along with us. She hadn’t been climbing in years, so that was cool.

We talked to two sisters who were climbing together and they shared how much they have improved since they started just 4 months or so ago. It was fun to cheer for them.

Monkey and Yessa were climbing geniuses, as always.

And I got to the top of the wall for the first time since we restarted climbing!

The girls took some pictures as a reminder of my first success.

It took me forever to figure out what the heck was going on with my head in this picture.

What is going on with my head?!

If you are able to zoom in, you’ll realize it’s actually a hand grip. My head is tilted in, so it looks like I have some sort of strange beanie on my head.

There’s my actual head!

And this is where I looked down to say, “Did you take my picture?” and realized how far off the ground I was.

Climb on!