Hallowed Halloween

Hallowed Halloween

Yessa was the one child who planned for Halloween for weeks. She selected and ordered her costume awhile ago. The other two pondered briefly from time to time, but made no forward progress.

Finally, after Buds got home from work tonight, the wheels began to turn.

Yessa didn’t want to trick or treat without a sibling. Buds and I agreed collecting candy without a costume was not a plan.

After some family brainstorming, a little cajoling, and the eternal hope of candy, everyone under 20 mustered a costume.

Buster wore the family heirloom suit. It’s the brown suit Buds was wearing the night he and I met.

Even more impressively, the suit was made by Buddie’s grandfather, a tailor for Hickey Freeman. I love that we still have this beautiful classic.

Thanks to his crafty sisters, Buster had a quickly crafted top hat in which he could collect his candy and it perfectly completed his dapper look.

Monkey decided dressing as a farmer was an efficient, classic way to go.

We borrowed a flannel from Neighbor Lou, gave her some prominent freckles,

found her a hat, boots, and a basket for her produce/candy.

Yessa simply stepped into her unicorn and she was ready to go.

We stopped at one beloved friend’s house in our neighborhood, then headed to Teresa and Jeremy’s house to get some time with them and enjoy their quiet neighborhood.

Yessa discovered Jeremy’s hyper-torch shot her unicorn to the next level of costume awesomeness.

We walked around for about an hour, collected more than an adequate pile of candy, laughed with T& J, played with their dogs, chortled as Teresa tried on the unicorn costume:

I was so delighted to get this Halloween with the whole family. I keep thinking each year that someone will age out, and I’m grateful for each bonus year.

Happy Halloween!