Another Perfect Saturday

We have been having one of those glorious days that brings me to the brink of soul-swelling joy.
Part of our crew is out helping a cousin celebrate a birthday.
Buster and I are at home bonding over reading funny stories together, cleaning the kitchen, building space ships, and writing blog posts.
This morning we said good-bye to Bo when his owner and her mom picked him up. He got to spend the week with us while they were out of town.
What a glorious week to have the two dogs trotting around together.
The memorial service for my latest hospice client was this afternoon. Sadness and gratitude for a life lived well and filled with love were on beautiful display.
And in typical Nashville fashion, famous country western singer attended. This town awes me in so many ways.
We had a glorious morning of kids playing online with Virginia friends.
To hear the peals of laughter and the beloved voices of Lucia, Kate, and Betty, it makes me so happy, too.
This guy made me coffee:
Then we talked about our budget and plans.
A new washing machine was an unexpected gift we gave ourselves this week:
Bonding at Home Depot.
And finally, tonight, everyone settled in, close together, enjoying our various activities.
Buds heads out of town for work tomorrow, which makes this glorious day even more precious.
I promise myself to never take this for granted.