Buster Bonus

Since it was just the Buster and me on the ride home, we had some focused conversation.

First, he told me how much delight many of the students are taking in realizing that cursing is not an issue at Sudbury. We’ve not made words forbidden at our house, so except for Yessa who detests cursing, the rest of us use curse words when it is appropriate to the conversation. (Or sometimes not.) As with many things, when it isn’t forbidden, it becomes less attractive.

The other students are using curse words with abandon, including one nine year old who is taking delight in using the “f-word” as a precursor to every curse word.

I’m curious about what this transition to the Sudbury model must be like for some of these families. I’m quite grateful my two bigs got to be at home to be settled in their hearts about who they are and what they believe. They’ve got a firm base upon which to stand as they move forward.

Second, I was fascinated to hear that Ms. Sonia, who is the main staff member, asked Buster to sit on the Judicial Committee today since an older representative was needed with Monkey out sick. (Monkey is on the JC for this first part of the year.)

Buster took some time to think about it and then explained to Sonia, “I love Sudbury, but I’m not 100% comfortable yet, and since JC would already be stressful, with Monkey also being gone, I prefer not to.”

I told him how courageous I thought that was. I’m willing to say “no” to most anything now, but at 14 I don’t think I would have been able to.

“Does that seem courageous?” he asked in genuine surprise. “It felt very natural.”

Such a different life our children are experiencing.