

Buster and Monkey have made it a goal to donate one item per day to Sudbury. They have been searching the bookshelves and game shelves to find items they love/d and are willing to share with their mates.

Buster and I had a delightful time this morning looking through this book he and Monkey both loved so much as youngsters.

There was a cart of books in the teachers’ lounge at Buddie’s Mom’s school, and she had a tough time not browsing it often to find fun items for the grands. This was one of the many, many purchases from years ago.

Buster and I browsed it before we headed off on our morning commute. He brought it to show me originally because he noticed…

That’s a Lufthansa plane.

We were both so excited to see that logo we got to know so well.

And they also had an ICE train:

ICE, ICE, Baby.

And what we believe may be a tram like Buds would have ridden in the olden days:

Travel changes your perspective on everything.

I love to see them choosing items they think other people should have the opportunity to read and learn from. Sharing the memories.