A New Opportunity

A New Opportunity

Purchasing the lunch boxes is when it felt real.

All three children came down with a cold as soon as we returned from our trip. The girls first, then Buster followed a couple days later. This means Monkey is starting the Sudbury adventure on her own today, with Buster into the fray tomorrow.

On our drive together this morning, she summed up her feelings so eloquently.

I’m excited, but also afraid. Not afraid in the way of a lion, but in the way you are before bungee jumping. It’s the feeling before I ride a roller coaster. I know I’m going to love it. It’s still scary.”

I could not love this insightful, loving, rational person more.

On to grand adventures, Dear Monkey.

The lunch boxes and the boxes of Kleenex. Pretty typical school start.

But there’s a 3DS and a computer tucked in that purple bag, plus a change of clothes in case mud volleyball or intense gardening happens.

Up she goes.

I had the perfect excuse of needing to help her carry items in today. She kindly allowed me to come along.
