One Last Afternoon

One Last Afternoon

The rest of the crew was ready to hang at home after our day off singing, but Buds and I wanted to get in some more exploring.

Plus we promised to try to get Kel a shirt. 😘

This is the entrance to a tunnel that cut through from our side of the mountain to the tourist area on the other side.

There’s an underground parking garage and all sorts of shops dug into the mountain.

This outfit that was displayed in the tunnels reminded us of a purple outfit Yessa wore as a youngster.

We saw a few stumble stones here.

Buddie suggested we take the elevator up to The Museum of Modern. I love that that’s its name.

We strolled around the outdoor area at the top of the elevator and took some pictures. The view was splendid.

We finally headed home for one last radler.

It was a rainy night, and we relished it.

It was a good last night.