Arriving In Salzburg

It is not lost on all of us, the rightness that our arrival in Salzburg was marked with some difficulties.

The train ride from Linz to Salzburg after our visit to Mauthausen was easy. The Salzburg train station is beautiful. The weather was lovely.

We had the directions to the apartment, and we were going to walk. If we had known what bus to take, we would have done so. We didn’t, so we walked.

We walked and walked and walked. Parts of the walk were beautiful (Buds’ notes: the total was about 3 km). I would have stopped to take pictures, but I needed to keep walking.

At one point I took a backpack from one of the children to give them a break, and heard, “You are so strong, Mama. Thank you.”

That’s what a parent wants. Protect the children.

Buster and Yessa both had injuries. Monkey’s feet were so, so tired. I don’t know about Mom and Buds, but I was ready to put down my burdens.

Still, there was no choice, so we walked.

We finally slogged our way into our beautiful, peaceful, safe home for the next few days. Buds and I made two trips to the store to buy food, and we all settled in for the evening.

My heart is heavy, yet full, as I look forward with excitement toward the last few days of our trip, while I still hold close to the torment of emotions from our visit on Saturday morning.

I listened for souls as I walked the sacred grounds at Mauthausen yesterday. I didn’t hear them then, but today I feel them.