Off To Explore

Buster, Yessa, Buds, and I were out the door a little before seven to walk to the grocery store. We love walking the aisles, seeing the different foods, understanding the different “rules” of shopping.
This store was a Lidl grocery store, which we’ve meandered in other countries.
We were fascinated by the pastry/bread self- service section which used a long handled scooper so you could select your preferred pastry and carry it over to dump it on the shoot to pick it up. No lifting the glass and touching other pastries.
We found plenty of food we recognized but I was a little flummoxed as I tried to find some sliced meat to eat for my breakfast. Uncooked meats, like bacon bits, were scattered in with seemingly cooked meat. I chose one and hoped.
Yessa and I were trying to find smoothies to take back as a breakfast option for Monkey. I had found some likely little bottles. One had strawberries on the label, which I knew Monkey would like. Another in the same batch had potatoes on the label, which seemed weird, but who was I to judge? Maybe potato smoothies are delicious?
Luckily when Yessa and I were discussing the “smoothies” a kind, young, white German fellow, speaking impeccable English said, “Excuse me, but those are not smoothies. That is cream for cooking. Smoothies are over in that case.” And he pointed us in the right direction.
I also asked him about the meat I had chosen and he reassured me it was cooked.
Bless his sweet soul.
I continue to be fascinated by what I’m pondering as the German “demeanor.” This young man was lovely and so helpful. Did not once crack a smile.
I’m not finding it unfriendly at all, just intriguing. I’m trying to watch German folks interacting with each other to see if my “otherness” is part of the equation.
On our way to the store we walked through bunny heaven. We saw at least eight bunnies. We took several pictures to show our niece who adores bunnies.
Two buns in that photo above.
After eating breakfast in our hotel rooms were gathered everyone up and headed back to the train. Downtown to Marienplatz to the tower of the New Town Hall which houses the Glockenspiel, a 100-year old carillon.
Every day at 11 a.m. and noon, hundreds of people gather in front of the tower to hear the Glockenspiel chime and watch the 32 life-sized figures reenact historical Bavarian events. We were there for the 11 a.m. display.
After that we found a place to purchase sunglasses for the four family members without them (German has been very sunny.), then Buds led us off to our first beer garden. Hofbräuhaus was a great start to our beer tour across the country.
Our waiter, Mr. Tran, was personable and helpful. He offered us an English menu but since we had just spent 30 minutes deciphering the German menu, we told him we were good.
The food was good, and I found I enjoyed Buddie’s Radler, which is beer with lemonade. It was delicious!
The photo above shows the steins for the locals. There were several tables set aside for the locals, as well. They have a sign above them to designate their sacredness.
There was also a polka band playing, which upped the atmosphere.
Mr. Tran took a few shots for us, Buds got some fun shots while we waited on our food, then after we ate our fill, back to the train to our hotel.
German life is treating us well.