The Basement- Update #1

The Basement- Update #1

We’re down to Weston working away on his own in the basement. Until the beginning of April when the wall anchors will be installed work can only proceed in fits and starts.

I’ve heard from several of you about this basement adventure. Thanks for the support, the recognition of the work and money involved, and the loving thoughts you are sending our way.

We’ve gotten completely comfortable living in just the upstairs, so this is having little impact on our daily life. We can live, learn, and laugh with no problem.

And thanks to yesterday’s HVAC installation, now with toasty toes.

Here’s what happened yesterday and today on the basement project:

This was the room that used to hold the washer and dryer. It will now contain a shower, making it a complete bathroom.

Digging in to see what’s down there.

We had planned to install a 36″ x 36″ one-piece shower stall, but the door in from the garage is only 35″ wide, so Weston and I quickly revised that plan.

Shower pan in.

As an aside, living in a world with Amazon and a Home Depot just a short drive away makes a project like this so much easier. Weston tells me what he’s ready for, it is generally arriving within 2 days.

Hence, the boxes have started rolling in:

That box above holds the magic copper sink for the kitchen. We’ll do a grand reveal with that later when it is installed. I love that sink for multiple reasons: It got fantastic reviews; it’s unique and interesting; it was a less expensive option than many others; and, most importantly, I knew that Buds would think it was cool. Scoring on so many levels with that!

Fridge delivered
Stovetop, faucet, kitchen cupboard baseboard
Fan, heat, and light

Ever since Monkey pointed out that our bathrooms could be warmer, I’ve been pondering how best to make that happen. This fan, heat, light option in the picture above is one way we’re testing out products that we might end up using in our bathroom remodels upstairs.

Finally, today’s progress:

Two of three walls in the shower.

There were hours of work before this picture could happen. Removing and installing pipes, putting up walls, talking about the plans, and thinking through the process. So, two of three walls might not look like much, but it is a huge step forward.

As Gina has said to me a couple times (I’m paraphrasing.), “Everyone needs a Weston.”