Merry Christmas To Me

Merry Christmas To Me

It turns out that if you call the webhosting service where you’ve had your blog for many years and you tell them you are leaving because it has gotten too expensive, they will find a way to help you stay.

The great news is that Buds has done a big back up of the blog so it’s completely safe in an undisclosed location, just in case anything happens to our webhost.

And, I learned some new ways to use google drive.

In case any of you missed it, here’s this year’s Christmas Card:

Bast Christmas Ever!

To explain: Buster doesn’t care for posed picture-taking at this particular point in his life. We respect that. And since we firmly believe that laughter and fun are essential to a joyful life, we brainstormed our way to this year’s Christmas card.

In case you don’t know, Bast(et) is the Egyptian Goddess of home and domesticity (and cats.) And since Buster loves home, this is a delicious head nod to him.

The cat featured is Monkey’s cat Waffles. Buds had a fun time figuring out how to give the picture of Waffles a neck and shoulders that would work with Buster’s shirt. The ear bracelets are my favorite part.

We wish you laughter and love and peace this holiday season. And we pray our world finds its way there, too.

Merry Christmas.

For the complete photo album of our year, check this out.