866 and Onward

866 and Onward

This is my 866th post, which makes me deliciously happy.

Buster was reading through posts last night and laughing with great shudders of laughter.

Then he asked me, aghast, “Mom, have you done a post about Christmas yet?!”

Oops, not yet, Buster.

So many more posts to write, so many more adventures to have and love to spread.

Sometime in the next few weeks we’ll be switching this blog over to a private space that is password protected. Those of you who read it will have easy access, and there will be many more details to come.

But for today, for this random Monday as we prepare to head out for Girl Scouts and a cookie booth, today is just for fun.

A few random moments of joy:


Buds, making the one-two success fist punch he does when he solves a coding problem, sitting in the dark under a picture of…Baby Buds.

She got sick far enough before our trip to Florida to be totally well at the right time! And her brother, too!
She got sick far enough before our trip to Florida to be totally well at the right time! And her brother, too!
Walking out our front door to see this goofball.
Walking out our front door to see this goofball.


He doesn’t want to fish, but sitting in the boat feels fun.

These two, talking about things sisters talk about.
These two, talking about things sisters talk about.
A hockey date night with Buds and his co-workers.
A hockey date night with Buds and his co-workers.

I’m not sure why all the seats all around us are empty. We’re very friendly and harmless. At least I am.

And a blast from the past:

Four years ago. Buster's shirt was new then.
Four years ago. Buster’s shirt was new then.

Monkey giving Yessa an eye exam for some reason.

Buster still wears that shirt. We still have that brown sweater. Look at those sweet faces.

We didn’t even know that a move to Nash would soon be in our future.

Who knows what fantastic adventures await us now?!

866 more posts to come.