Which Village Person Was He?

Which Village Person Was He?

For November this year, Buds joined the cause of No Shave November, which we call “Noshavember.” This made me ponder his facial hair evolution over the years.

When I met Buds, he didn’t even have chest hair.

Not sure he could even grow facial hair back then.
Not sure he could even grow facial hair back then.

Christmas of 1994, we were apart for the last Christmas. He went home to Vermont and came home with a goatee.

Our last Christmas apart before we were married, he grew a goatee while in VT as my Christmas surprise.
Our last Christmas apart before we were married, he grew a goatee while in VT as my Christmas surprise.

The goatee was a huge hit and it will appear as a gift to me randomly.

The goatee didn't always grow in gray.
The goatee didn’t always grow in gray.
He'll often grow  a goatee on vacation. Gem-Fest two years ago.
He’ll often grow a goatee on vacation. Gem-Fest two years ago.
Gem-Fest this year.
Gem-Fest this year.

This year, by the end of Noshavember, the beard was loud, proud, and gray.

Noshavember 2016...I love this face.
Noshavember 2016…I love this face.

He headed to Virginia to celebrate the end of 2016 with his co-workers and promised them a holiday surprise.

Dropped down to this for the work holiday party...and to send Yessa into hysterics.
Dropped down to this for the work holiday party…and to send Yessa into hysterics.

Paula pointed out a few similarities between his caterpillar and…someone else…

Photo from http://tinyurl.com/z23y595
Photo from http://tinyurl.com/z23y595

I think the cowboy. Maybe the construction worker.

And, thankfully, while he was with Kel, Paula, and the girls in VA, he ditched the moustache. K & B helped him shave, and we were all grateful.

Had a little help shaving.
Had a little help shaving.
Shaved while in VA for that holiday party.
Shaved while in VA for that holiday party.

Thanks, K & B, for giving us back our regular Buds.