The Residence

The Residence

In Tennessee the Governor’s Mansion is called “The Residence.”

Last weekend we had the opportunity to tour The Residence in all its Christmas splendor.

Due to the volume of folks coming to visit, we parked at a local church to take the free shuttles to and from the mansion.



Security checked us in before we loaded the shuttle, and the head of security came on the shuttle to share some information with us before we entered the house. He’s worked at The Residence for 17 years, through 4 governors, and he told us this governor, Republican Bill Haslam, was the most down to earth, and his wife, Crissy, loves having the public tour the home and loves doing these Christmas open houses.

(Wikipedia also tells me that Bill Haslam is worth around $2 billion, making him the richest governor in the United States. Interesting…)

The theme for the event this year was “Made in Tennessee” and there were TN products all over the various decorated trees.



We started the tour at the grand staircase in the front hallway, and the guide made sure we knew about the six little trees under the stairs, each decorated for a Haslam grandchild.

Getting things started.
Getting things started.


After the initial introduction at the grand staircase, we were free to wander at will on the first floor, out into the back yard where the petting zoo was set up, then down to Conservation Hall.

A personal nativity set of The First Lady's.
A personal nativity set of The First Lady’s.
We were told she unpacks and sets it up herself.
We were told she unpacks and sets it up herself.

We learned TN has 96 counties.

A hand painted ornament for each county.
A hand painted ornament for each county
Artwork by an artist from that county.
Artwork by an artist from that county.
Looking at the ornaments.
Looking at the ornaments.
The rooster on top of the tree is laying an egg...that's not how roosters work.
The rooster on top of the tree is laying an egg…that’s not how roosters work.



In Conservation Hall there were vendors selling a few TN products. We purchased some ginger cookies, which made Buds realize he wanted to take molasses cookies for the cookie exchange at work this week. (Made by Yessa and me, they were delicious! )

TN artist
TN artist

The children each had the chance to make a leather bracelet, and we saw the woman who told us about wool at Belle Meaded at a homeschooling event this year, and she said she remembered us, too. (So kind…and the copper-head helps.)


This brave man letting hundreds of children swing a mallet at his hand.
This brave man letting hundreds of children swing a mallet at his hand.
That's the wool woman in the background.
That’s the wool woman in the background.

Another attempt at a family picture:

The book tree behind us is a Guinness record attempt for the tree made with the most books. Over 13K.
The book tree behind us is a Guinness record attempt for the tree made with the most books. Over 13K.

We all had a great time, and even The Buster said to me, “Mom, I’m actually enjoying this.”

His enthusiasm doesn't totally shine through in this photo.
His enthusiasm doesn’t totally shine through in this photo.

High praise.