Movers and Shakers

Movers and Shakers

It was finally here. The big day had arrived.

The children and I headed up to Mom’s about a week before her closing date on her new house so we could help with the last minute packing and planning.

Our plans were extremely in flux because a beloved friend’s sister died unexpectedly, so we wanted to see how we could best offer her family support. We weren’t able to stay home to attend the Memorial Service, but Buds went to represent the family and said it was beautiful and moving.

So, with heavy hearts we packed up the car and headed north.

We had a few days at the old house:

A few last turns on the mower.
A few last turns on the mower.
This really is big sky country.
This really is big sky country.
Good bye to the beautiful tree Buddie's parents gifted my parents on one of their stays in Iowa.
Good bye to the beautiful tree Buddie’s parents gifted my parents on one of their stays in Iowa.

Mom decided to hire professional movers, a decision I will forever be grateful for for two reasons:

1) Having three twenty-something youngsters to haul furniture is a huge blessing.

Professional movers are awesome.
Professional movers are awesome.

2) They complimented us multiple times on how organized we were for the move. They’d been traumatized by moving some hoarders before and I like to think we helped them heal.

It looks pretty bare.
It looks pretty bare.

We took time to spend a few quiet moments at the empty house to remember the joy soaked into its walls.

And then on to the new house!

Here comes Mom's new life.
Here comes Mom’s new life.
Ten out of ten would use strapping young movers again.
Ten out of ten would use strapping young movers again.
Taking a rest after a busy day.
Taking a rest after a busy day.
That's a lot of boxes.
That’s a lot of boxes.
That pantry needs to be filled.
That pantry needs to be filled.
Enjoy the morning sun shining in the windows.
Enjoy the morning sun shining in the windows.

We kept track of the number of boxes we had unpacked, but when we got over 80 we got bored with counting.

There are beautiful sun rises in the new house, too.
There are beautiful sun rises in the new house, too.
Yessa helped seal the tile in the bathrooms and laundry room.
Yessa helped seal the tile in the bathrooms and laundry room.
He's never too long for snuggles.
He’s never too long for snuggles.
Hanging out in Grandma's room.
Hanging out in Grandma’s room.
A phone tutorial was scheduled.
A phone tutorial was scheduled.
The children indulged me by dialing the rotary phone.
The children indulged me by dialing the rotary phone.
This is so crazy!
This is so crazy!
The sealers for glass soda bottles from my youth.
The sealers for glass soda bottles from my youth.
Still playing with Noa's ark.
Still playing with Noa’s ark.


Noa's Ark from Ms. Gina or Aunt A. Still very much loved.
Noa’s Ark from Ms. Gina or Aunt A. Still very much loved.
One of the many gifts from Nonni's book cart in the teacher's lounge at school. She could never resist.
One of the many gifts from Nonni’s book cart in the teacher’s lounge at school. She could never resist.
Love the sky here.
Love the sky here.
This cozy new home is going to be good.
This cozy new home is going to be good.
Monkey slept in Mom's closet until we got the basement sorted out. Our version of Harry Potter.
Monkey slept in Mom’s closet until we got the basement sorted out. Our version of Harry Potter.

We worked diligently and in about a week we had everything unpacked and organized. We even took some time off.

While Mom and the girls headed off for sparkly fingers and toes, Buster and I headed to:

Buster and I saw "Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them"
Buster and I saw “Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them”

We attended Mom’s church’s Thanksgiving Dinner:

Enjoying the annual turkey dinner at Mom's church. It raised over $110,000 this year.
Enjoying the annual turkey dinner at Mom’s church. It raised over $110,000 this year.

I had dinner with my favorite teacher from high school and his wife, and on another night my best friend from high school:

Phyllis and Pippi together again. (All the nicknames!)
Phyllis and Pippi together again. (All the nicknames!)

And then on one day that almost turned…interesting…I decided we could easily haul 15′ wide carpet home from Lowe’s.

We got one home by sticking the front out the passenger side window of the “5”, and letting the end of it hang out the trunk, nearly dragging on the ground. Buster had to hold it in with his ARM while we both froze with the air streaming in the through the open window and trunk. We were laughing hysterically by the time we got to Mom’s house.

And there were still two more rolls of carpet waiting at the store for me to go pick up.

What. Have. I. Done?!
What. Have. I. Done?!

Thanks to my incredibly strong, patient, and good-humored children, we got them home from the store, unloaded from the car, and dropped down the basement stairs.

And then, seemingly suddenly, the house was unpacked, and the basement was organized.

Mom's closet ready to go.
Mom’s closet ready to go.
Worker bee in the office/workout room.
Worker bee in the office/workout room.
Dining room and pictures on the wall.
Dining room and pictures on the wall.



Toy space in the basement only needs Cruz and Cash to make it complete.
Toy space in the basement only needs Cruz and Cash to make it complete.
One basement guest space
One basement guest space
Two basement guest space
Two basement guest space
Basement reading nook
Basement reading nook

Then we decided we’d help Grandma decorate for Christmas so she’d feel truly settled in. (To be clear, The Buster didn’t want to decorate for Christmas before we’d even had Thanksgiving, but he loves Grandma so he helped.












The picture above cracks me up because it looks like Mom is cursing about an ornament.

It was a grand two weeks at Grandma’s in the old and the new. Every night in the new house we all felt a little more settled and fell a little more in love with the cozy, sunny, toasty-warm house.

Onward to more new memories.


Merry Christmas