Let's Get Hitched

Buds and I picked out a new wedding band for me. It’s silicone so I don’t have to take it off when I’m lifting weights. And it’s bright purple, my favorite color.
When it arrived in the mail today, Yessa decided a wedding ceremony was in order as soon as Buds got home from work. We dug out our wedding program, she wrote a few words, and she served as the officiant at the brief ceremony.
Buddie played our wedding march:
Yessa spoke.

We recited our vows.
Then Buds played our recessional:
And we were married. Again.
Monkey decided she was not taking part in our shenanigans, although she smiled when I told her I was leaving her bedroom door open so we could feel connected.
Buster stopped reading Harry Potter long enough to join us in the picture.
I love being married…and remarried.