Williams 25th – The Permanent Record

Williams 25th – The Permanent Record

Williams asked me to write a 25th anniversary summary of what I’ve been up to. Since this is the Gemignani permanent record, here it is. Names have been changed, because we are spies.

I had the extreme good fortune to meet Ginnie, my wife, partner and love shortly after graduation. We bonded over a blind date ballroom dancing (though not with each other), a shared love of L.A Story, snark and tackles.

Twelve years ago, I cofounded Juice Analytics with my brother Zach (erhm, Uncle Z). We’ve seen ups and downs and ups (and…). It’s been a great partnership. I’ve gradually transformed into a software developer, or even an engineer on my best days. I love building community, sharing my days with talented and dedicated folks, and honest laughter. Years at big companies (mostly Citibank) left me with more political weasel than I’d like.

Three beautiful, funny and quirky children share our nest. “Monkey” was born in 2002, “Buster” in 2004 and “Yessa” (She’s a girl!) in 2006. They’re now an age where their tongues are as sharp as rapiers, their memories like elephants, but their bodies still occasionally as snuggly as church mice. We homeschool and that’s allowed us freedom to travel. Last year included 7 weeks in Italy. One word, Sicily.

Ginnie and I ping-ponged from St Louis, Missouri; West Lafayette, Indiana (Ginnie’s move); Newark, Delaware (my move); Des Moines, Iowa (Ginnie’s move and where all three kids were born); Reston, Virginia (my move). Today we’re in Nashville, which feels like home. We’ve loved and buried four pets, found Crossfit and Unitarian Universalism. We’ve happily gone our own way, a small tribe of quiet half-rebels.

My time at Williams was sweet. In this open, internet world, I don’t know what Williams my children will find. Change comes and we try to meet it with an open heart.

Graduation with Sarah, Ellen, and Pete.
Graduation with Sarah, Ellen, and Pete.
Our family this year in Vinalhaven, ME
Our family this year in Vinalhaven, ME
Our wedding in 1995 with the Williams Crew.
Our wedding in 1995 with the Williams Crew.