Monkey Hair

Monkey Hair

Monkey’s been comfortable with me cutting her hair, or cutting her own hair, for many years now, but recently she decided she’d like a chance to have a professional give her some hair insight. I like and respect my stylist, Kyle, so Monkey and I headed over to see him on a Wednesday morning.

Let's discuss what you want.
Let’s discuss what you want.

Of course the discussion began with Kyle telling her how much he loved the color of hair. She hears that all the time, but hearing it from a professional who has done Gwyneth Paltrow’s hair is nice. (Name drop.)

Monkey was open to suggestions on changing her hair, but Kyle opted to mostly even out the length, thin, and make it flow better, rather than any drastic changes for this first visit.



We think this may have been the first time a hair dryer was ever used on her hair.
We think this may have been the first time a hair dryer was ever used on her hair.




A professional cut brought out more of the natural flow and luster, and we had a great time visiting with Kyle and laughing. He was telling us about growing up as one of 6 kids. They were the only children in their neighborhood who hated weekends because his mom had them doing chores all weekend. He was the “baseboard” kid; wiping down all the baseboards in all the rooms every weekend.

That was a chore I hadn’t even considered for our crew!

Final snips.
Final snips.
She was tickled.
She was tickled.

Having a child who thoughtfully considers how she’d like to present herself to the world, while staying true to herself and what she values, is a joy. I’m thankful for the lessons she teaches me.