Shiny Happy People

Shiny Happy People

Our crew knows that I know mascara. And as far as makeup goes, that’s about all I know. Buds knows even less than me.

When Monkey expressed an interest in learning more about skin care and make up options, I realized that visits to friends who could help with this were too far in the future, so I pulled up the Mary Kay website and found a rep. that lives in our area.

My Aunt Sheila used to be an MK rep., and my mom has used it for decades, so though I’m not sure it’s a long-term solution for us, it was a relaxing, comfortable way to start things off.

Ms. Becky came over to hang out with us for a couple hours and to teach us about the MK options for caring for skin.

Ms. Becky was the perfect combo of educational and fun.
Ms. Becky was the perfect combo of educational and fun.
Ready to learn.
Ready to learn.
Our trays with our supplies.
Our trays with our supplies.
Ready for class.
Ready for class.
Scrubby scrubby
Scrubby scrubby
Mask half on.
Mask half on.
Tougher than it looks
Tougher than it looks


Light touch with glowing cheeks.
Light touch with glowing cheeks.

We learned a lot and did lots of laughing. The perfect combination.