

My Dad was the fifth child out of 17 in his family. That means I have a very large extended family, which has always intrigued the children.

Because of the death of several family members this last year, it was important for me to attend the annual family reunion. There’s a picnic, then we swim.

It was so good to see cousins and aunts and uncles I haven’t seen for so long. So much love and many hugs. And, as I warned the children, lots of people who hugged them and said, “I can’t believe how tall you’ve gotten.” And, “You look just like…”

It was good to talk about my dad, or to share my sympathy with folks who understand.

One of the best parts was getting time with my sister-in-law, Faye. My brother wasn’t feeling well, but having the time to visit with her was awesome.

She and Yessa have a similar, quick-witted sense of humor, and to watch them bounce off each other at dinner was a delight.





It was good to be with this crowd who shares my genes. So much to love.