CrossFit Regionals

CrossFit Regionals

In another bit of serendipity, much like finding Kel, Paula, and the girls in Ohio at the same time we were, Buds and I realized that the folks he and Monkey work out with at CrossFit Vector would be competing at Regionals in Columbus, Ohio on the weekend the children and I would be returning from the Kalihari.

After leaving behind the loved ones in Holy Toledo!, we headed to our hotel in Columbus.

Kind stranger took our pic. at Steak and Shake.
Kind stranger took our pic. at Steak and Shake.

The hotel was awesome. Kids and I had a great time settling in.

Buds ran into a black hole on his drive, so didn’t get to us until late. But to be back together with him after a week apart…priceless.

Staying on campus means awesome places to eat all around.

See my crew waving inside?
See my crew waving inside?

It was excellent to be at another year of regionals. This year Monkey is a CrossFitter, which makes it all the more special.

The excitement builds.
The excitement builds.



The younger two, not currently bitten by the CF-Bug, managed to pass the time while the rest of us cheered.


They look thrilled here.
They look thrilled here.

We had a great time, despite the loud noise.




And after everyone except Buds and me was tired of seeing the super-fit athletes:


We went out for pizza back on campus:


Then headed home to our new kitchen. It was a great wrap-up to an excellent week.