Couldja' Kali For A Week?

Couldja' Kali For A Week?

We could, and we did!

The Kalihari Waterpark in Sandusky, Ohio, is our very favoritest water park. We started going way back when we first moved to Virginia. It was a a great stop on the drive to Iowa to visit my family. The children have many fond memories of trips there.

Then, last year, I learned there was an annual gathering of homeschoolers there, and we signed up.

Last week we spent our week at the Waterpark, surrounded by homeschooler families.

Monkey lost her voice the day we got there, and though she had been mentally gearing up for sociability, that plan took a backseat to getting well. But despite that, all of us learned a lot, enjoyed the time at the waterpark itself, and have plans for how we can make next year even better.

The children compared the trip to SUUSI several times. Having our own room as a retreat, and the ability to control our timing and schedule, as well as having a full kitchen to use after being without our kitchen at home for many weeks now, it made this trip much more pleasant for them. All that was missing was a Buds. We’re planning to bring him next year, then all will be set.

Someone on the FB page for the group recommended packing in bins to make filling the luggage cart easier; Brilliant!
Someone on the FB page for the group recommended packing in bins to make filling the luggage cart easier; Brilliant!
The view as you walked into our suite.
The view as you walked into our suite.
The bedroom.
The bedroom.
The dining room just past the kitchen bar, and then the living room/bedroom.
The dining room just past the kitchen bar, and then the living room/bedroom.
One half of the full kitchen.
One half of the full kitchen.
The other half.
The other half.
The living room before we set up beds.
The living room before we set up beds.
The big bed.
The big bed.
Our view of the outdoor waterpark. This wasn't open while we were there.
Our view of the outdoor waterpark. This wasn’t open while we were there.
Buster jumped into Zombie tag.
Buster jumped into Zombie tag.
Making a sign for our suite door to tell people homeschoolers were inside.
Making a sign for our suite door to tell people homeschoolers were inside.
Game play with the group.
Game play with the group.
Yessa makes a friend.
Yessa makes a friend.
Gorilla selfie.
Gorilla selfie.
Glowing capture the flag-before lights out.
Glowing capture the flag-before lights out.
Once things began.
Once things began.
Magic with a crowd.
Magic with a crowd.
Looking for some worthy SuperSmash opponents.
Looking for some worthy SuperSmash opponents.


We love the wave pool.
We love the wave pool.
The sisters headed off to the water rollercoaster.
The sisters headed off to the water rollercoaster.

A few items of note from the week:

* Time with my family is the thing I love most in the world. These kids are simply the best…not perfect…but the best.

* Having a large group of folks with similar views is so relaxing; all these families traveling in packs, enjoying each other’s company, and all these parents who so obviously enjoy being with their kids. So much respectful, comfortable conversation, and pleasant, interesting kids.

* All the homeschoolers had the same black and white striped wristband for waterpark entrance. It was really cool to feel like part of the tribe when we’d be at the waterpark with folks of all different sorts. It made for an instant bond.

* It truly does take a village. At the waterpark, especially, you could see people watching out for each other and their children. In the wave pool, especially, I was missing Buds. He loves to be out in the rough and tumble of the waves with the children, and I feel a strong need to stand on the shore and lifeguard. I don’t want to hamper their pleasure, but I cannot choose to enjoy it with them.

Finally, I was ever aware of the ease and comfort money brings. Because we were part of a large group, the room rate was fantastic, and well worth it for our needs and family, but I do recognize and appreciate that it is not a choice every family could make. I’m very thankful we can.

I’ll be interested to see how we’ll grow and change over the next year, and how we’ll handle the conference differently in 2017.

On the last night, Monkey and I went on a little walk-about to enjoy some time together…and buy some chocolate.

We brought him a "peace" of chocolate.
We brought him a “peace” of chocolate.
Cookies and Creme Fudge.
Cookies and Creme Fudge.
Chocolate pretzel for this gal!
Chocolate pretzel for this gal!

It was a sweet ending to the week.