All The Pretty Little Liars

All The Pretty Little Liars

Over twenty years ago, Buds was a partner in surprising me when I was leaving one job to embark upon a new adventure. The surprise was planned by a friend from my job, and he managed to get me to her house for a delightful dinner surrounded by the teachers and their spouses that I loved best.

On Tuesday night, it happened again. The last day of May was my official ending at Juice Analytics after six years of part-time work with the good folks there. Buds had suggested that we go out for dinner with the children to celebrate, and though I was surprised he suggested it, it was a lovely gesture, and we put it on the calendar.

On Tuesday I sensed something was uneasy in him, and I sent him a message on Slack telling him, “I can sense something is on your heart. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

I got back a chirpy, “Nope, all good.”

The plan was for him to come home from CrossFit, shower up, and we’d head to Publicity, my favorite local joint.

Since it was just family, I wanted to look nice, but be comfortable. I considered yoga pants (This place is casual.), then tried on a little black swimsuit cover up dress. Monkey steered me away from those. (“It really does look like a swimsuit coverup.”) Finally settled on a comfortable, but slightly dressy outfit. (She was so subtle, that kid. I had not idea what she was saving me from.)

We were ready when Buds got home, and after he de-stanked, we headed out. As we pulled into the parking lot for Publicity, I parked next to a car that looked just like Uncle Z’s and said, “That looks like Z’s car.”

Buds said, “There are lots of cars that color.” (Z’s car is an unusual chocolate/orange color.)

I looked over at Buds and he was looking away from me with the guiltiest look on his face.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Then the children began to laugh.

We walked in, and there they were, the people I work with and their families. Walking in behind us was our co-worker, Mikayla, who had orchestrated the whole thing, and since she arrived at the same time we did, she had been hiding between cars in the parking lot.

It was a delightful, comfortable, laughter-filled meal. Buds had told Monkey about it earlier in the day to ensure the children didn’t put up any resistance to heading out for the evening. She had told the youngers about five minutes before we left, and everyone managed to hold it together. Until I saw Z’s car, I had no idea.

I’m excited for my “next,” but I am already missing the work at Juice. It was good work with good people, and I’m grateful I had the opportunity to be part of it all.

My fingers look like alien hands here.
My fingers look like alien hands here.
The whole crowd
The whole crowd


The other end of the table.
The other end of the table.
Mikayla was so proud of surprising me.
Mikayla was so proud of surprising me.