Italy Trip - Lucca Farmhouse Wrap Up

Italy Trip - Lucca Farmhouse Wrap Up

A final post about the Lucca Farmhouse with the last few pictures I can’t stand to have lost to time.

Looks like meditation, actually CrossFit.
Looks like meditation, actually CrossFit.
The dreaded rings in action.
The dreaded rings in action.
Time together.
Time together.
More puzzles
More puzzles


Ready to go.
Ready to go.
We're leaving at what time?!
We’re leaving at what time?!
This happy face...
This happy face…
Not sure what's happening here.
Not sure what’s happening here.
Or here...
Or here…
Cyclamens in the cemetery
Cyclamens in the cemetery
Dearly Departeds.
Dearly Departeds.
She killed him.
She killed him.
Now she loves him.
Now she loves him.
Sunrise from the porch.
Sunrise from the porch.

Of all the homes we had on our trip, this one was the most rustic, and coldest. I will gladly go back to Lucca someday, just not to the farmhouse.

But, oh, those views. It was worth the teeth chatters.