A Sappy Trip to Vermont

A Sappy Trip to Vermont

Or, more accurately, a sap-less trip to Vermont. Despite the Little Mother’s best efforts to control the weather, the trees were done with their annual sap routine by the time we made it to Vermont last week. The weather was cold and sunny, and we got to show Grandma Iowa how the process works, even if she didn’t get to see it in action.

We helped take taps out of trees and gathered some of the buckets, so we still felt we had earned our share of the yearly production.

Our trip north was leisurely this year, as it was last year. The kids and I drove to Cleveland on a Wednesday, where we stayed overnight near the airport so we could pick Mom up at the airport on Thursday morning. Thursday we drove to Putney, VT, and stayed in the Putney Inn, which was delightful. Friday morning we had a leisurely breakfast at the Putney. The children wanted to hear stories from their past and mine, so we sat and laughed for an hour as we retold family lore.

From there to the Vermont Country Store for a long visit.

A long stop at the Vermont Country Store- becoming part of our annual tradition.
A long stop at the Vermont Country Store- becoming part of our annual tradition.

We had planned for lunch and a museum with Aunt L and cousins, but they had a visit from the Flu Fairy in the days before we arrived, so a quick stop to see their house, beautiful view, and some hugs and wan smiles were the extent of this visit. It was splendid to see their fantastic location, and cousin’s sweet faces.

Because of that change in plans, we were feeling pretty leisurely. And L suggested the King Arthur Flour cafe for lunch before we began our trip over the mountains to get to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. We had a delicious lunch and fun watching the baking class in their professional kitchen.

Enjoying time at the King Arthur Flour Cafe
Enjoying time at the King Arthur Flour Cafe
Yessa and Sophia having a freezing picnic.
Yessa and Sophia having a freezing picnic.

I lost cell phone reception soon after we drove across the VT border on Thursday night, so we had a paper map with us, but because some roads are closed in the winter, I had also called on google maps to give us directions for all the places we needed to go. Luckily, Aunt L realized the way the google was going to send us was heading us toward the Lincoln Gap, which would still be closed. She did a fantastic job writing out wonderful directions for us…and we still managed to get lost. Or, rather, we weren’t truly lost, but we still ended up trying to take the wrong roads that were deep into mud season.

We finally arrived at the house in the mountains that we love, unpacked, grabbed a quick bite, then headed to Cousin M’s play: Cinderella and The Glass Slipper.

At Cousin M's play: Cinderella's Glass Slipper
At Cousin M’s play: Cinderella’s Glass Slipper
So glad to be together.
So glad to be together.
The proud mom of the actress.
The proud mom of the actress.
We're related to the brown mouse in the front left.
We’re related to the brown mouse in the front left.

We only had Saturday and Sunday to spend, so we didn’t plan on extreme outings, just enjoyed time together. Since the children and I had traveled thousands of miles in the car over the previous three weeks, we were grateful to not go on any driving adventures.

Making pancakes with Nonni.
Making pancakes with Nonni.
Yessa clearing out my old purse to make way for the new purple purse.
Yessa clearing out my old purse to make way for the new purple purse.
Many games were played.
Many games were played.
Explaining how to win.
Explaining how to win.
Discussing strategy.
Discussing strategy.
What shall we do, Buster?
What shall we do, Buster?
Puzzle time
Puzzle time
Grannie Babs learns to feed the indoor stove.
Grannie Babs learns to feed the indoor stove.
Night owls get extra time with the Grands.
Night owls get extra time with the Grands.
Yup, they are related.
Yup, they are related.
So fun to get extended time together.
So fun to get extended time together.

Sunday was a crisp, sunny day, and Aunt B, Uncle S, and Cousins came over nice and early so we could have as much time together as possible.

Off to enjoy the sun on the playground.
Off to enjoy the sun on the playground.
Mud swings.
Mud swings.
Cleaning up another sappy season.
Cleaning up another sappy season.

B and S had to leave for a conference and to open the store, but the youngest cousins had a long time playing outdoors while the older cousins and Grannie Babs went to examine the Vermont Solar Panels.

Checking out the solar panels.
Checking out the solar panels.


With a Monkey for scale.
With a Monkey for scale.
The house looks particularly beautiful with its blue siding.
The house looks particularly beautiful with its blue siding.
They are catching up quickly in height.
They are catching up quickly in height.
The Little Mother likes to make these round piles which look so whimsical.
The Little Mother likes to make these round piles which look so whimsical.

Monkey loves genealogical research, and Nonni came through with two gems: The History of Her Family and the photo album and random documents she kept from our wedding and Buddie’s early years.

Nonni brought out the big book of her family history, and Monkey was absorbed for hours.
Nonni brought out the big book of her family history, and Monkey was absorbed for hours.
Another found treasure: Look at Zach's face in the background. He's attempting to propel birdseed through our skulls.
Another found treasure: Look at Zach’s face in the background. He’s attempting to propel birdseed through our skulls.
And an early resume...
And an early resume…

A few final memories with cousins:

The decades of play on the rock continues.
The decades of play on the rock continues.
Let's talk Magic!
Let’s talk Magic!


So good to be together.
So good to be together.

And Monday morning we were up and out bright and early for the long drive back to the South.

It was well worth the drive.

And a reminder of last year’s trip.