Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

It’s March, so seems like a good time to post about Christmas, doesn’t it?

We had a lovely Christmas here in Nash. Christmas Eve was our candlelight service at church, our first one with Reverend Carmen at the helm.

Rev. Carmen's first Christmas Eve service with us. It was great.
Rev. Carmen’s first Christmas Eve service with us. It was great.

Best Buddy Fi lead the bell choir:

Fi leading the bell ringers.
Fi leading the bell ringers.

The children sang their hearts out, and we were surrounded by a packed house and loved ones:

Candlelight on Christmas Eve
Candlelight on Christmas Eve
Packed house
Packed house
Christmas Eve with loved ones is awesome!
Christmas Eve with loved ones is awesome!

After the service we headed home for Christmas Eve Dinner and to open one present each; a tradition started by my dad many decades ago.

One present each
One present each


Replacing a beloved set of holiday DVD's that Ms. Deirdre gave us years ago that we wore out.
Replacing a beloved set of holiday DVD’s that Ms. Deirdre gave us years ago that we wore out.
Let's head out to jump!
Let’s head out to jump!
Lego Brick Bible--Holy Hit!
Lego Brick Bible–Holy Hit!

Ended the evening with some crisp nighttime jumping:

Beautiful in the crisp eve.
Beautiful in the crisp eve.

I believe I was the first one up on Christmas morning, and others soon followed. (We probably had to wake Monkey up.)

Piles of presents for each person, and we opened them in a relaxed, leisurely fashion.


Monkey's pile
Monkey’s pile
Yessa's grouping
Yessa’s grouping
This year's tree
This year’s tree
Settling in to be comfortable
Settling in to be comfortable
Happy young man
Happy young man
Tearing in.
Tearing in.
Infinity scarf
Infinity scarf
Framed portrait from Florence
Framed portrait from Florence
Trying out the drones.
Trying out the drones.

We had received a surprise package from senders unknown, addressed to “The World Traveling Gemignani Kids.” It was a splendid Lego Architecture set of the Trevi Fountain. (We learned later that the sender was The Chandler Clan.) Monkey and Buster had a fantastic time putting it together, and it now sits proudly on the mantel. (The first time a lego set has been put together and displayed in our house.)






Thanks to my mom, Twister now lives at our house, too.


It might not have been on Christmas Day, but sometime around there we had beautiful enough weather that I was able to sit out and enjoy the children bouncing…with wine.

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

It was a lovely, lovely day in a string of many.